Carnivorous plants are an important part of the identity of The Little Plant Company and certainly one of regional notoriety.
The Little Plant Company began growing them in 1999 as a hobby, which quickly became an obsessive passion. After discovering that they were actually hardy, not tropical; that opened the floodgates for what has became know as container bog gardening.

The combination of pitcher plants, or Sarracenia, and their companions; like native orchids and gentian, have proven to be both aesthetically beautiful but also hardy, reliable and fantastically unusual. After creating the largest above ground bog in North America in 2008, we have continued growing and hybridizing pitcher plants into the present day. Please contact us for information on purchasing a bog garden or individual Sarracenia and their companion plants.
thelittleplantcompany | 732-966-7541 | Pine Beach, NJ | thelittleplantcompany@gmail.com